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Oct 14, 20233 min read
Don’t Let Fear Interfere
What would this world be like if we let fear rule all our decisions? What if Thomas Edison let fear of failing keep him from figuring out...
May 4, 20205 min read
Necessity is the Mother of Invention
Necessity IS the mother of invention. People have been saying this quote forever. If you really think about it this is how everything has...
Aug 21, 20176 min read
Look for the Silver Lining
Have you ever had things go terribly wrong only to find out later that whatever it was that happened turned out to be a blessing in...
Aug 10, 20174 min read
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the main beholder is you. When you feel beautiful, you will look beautiful. It’s like having...
Aug 9, 20178 min read
So everyone has ideas of what they want and why they want it. And it is my belief that we can all accomplish what most might call the...
May 10, 20176 min read
A Deliberate Creator
Please believe me when I say that you and every single living thing on this planet are much more than this physical body, that you see as...
Sep 2, 20165 min read
Make a Decision Already!
Clarity is so liberating. Life is like a smorgasbord of things to choose from and when we feel unsure or out of sorts in some way it can...
Jul 19, 20164 min read
New Perspective
New Perspective People these days are too preoccupied with the negative stuff happening all over the world right now. The news repeats...
Jan 27, 20166 min read
That Sneaky Doubt
I know that it is easier said than done when someone is constantly telling you to think positive. What about all the negative things that...
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