So everyone has ideas of what they want and why they want it. And it is my belief that we can all accomplish what most might call the impossible. And it is also my belief that it is as easy to create a button as it is to create a castle. I know that it may seem strange to a person at first, to accept these statements as truth, after all, most of us have been taught by our parents, teachers and other such authorities to think the way they do, whatever that may be. But I’m here to tell you that you have every right with full authority, by you and only you, to change the way you think, therefore changing what you choose to believe. More and more people are starting to realize that thinking positive thoughts is very beneficial, and asking for what you want is okay. And even though you may think that you have been asking for what you want to come to you, you may be sabotaging your desire inadvertently.
You may be thinking of something you want such as a new home. You are not really in a position to buy one according to what you have been observing in your life, so even though you have the desire you are also doubting that it will become a reality. You see, this causes a split in your energy and your indecision is blocking you from getting what you want. Now once you make the decision and you feel really good about it, now you’re going to see forward movement. You see, it’s not what you decide, it’s how you feel about the decision. Is this making sense to you? Actually words don’t really teach. Until you have had experiences where you have wanted something but weren’t getting anxious about it, sort of like waiting for Christmas morning, there’s no sense in getting all balled up wondering when it’s going to get here. It’s comes on the same day every year. So if we were to treat all our desires like that they could come much easier and much faster. I’m sure you could look back at a situation when something like that occurred. I’ll give you an example from my own life experience. My washing machine had broken down and I really didn’t have an extra $500.00 to buy a new one at the moment. So I was taking my laundry to the laundromat and spending a couple of hours there every week for a couple of months. One day while hauling a ton of dirty clothes to my car, I casually said, “I have been without a washer for too long, somebodies is going to give me one.” And I didn’t give it another thought. My daughter happened to be with me that day, and we were having fun in an odd sort of way, but you gotta’ make your own fun as far as I’m concerned. And as we were filling the 10 washers we needed, an old friend of mind called me on the phone. She asked what I was up to and I proceeded to tell her, as I was laughing about it, how we sort of took over the whole place. She said that that was why she was calling me. She had just received a large settlement from an insurance claim and she wanted to buy me a washer. I was very grateful to her, but as it was happening I knew it was me that attracted it. Things don’t come out of the blue, but they can come out of the oblivious. It is so important that you care about how you feel. Think about what you’re saying and how it makes you feel. Doesn’t it feel yucky when you think that you are bad or not worthy? That is because that is a total untruth. We are all good and worthy. When we feel those good feelings we are on cloud 9, soaring with the eagles. When we love ourselves we can do no wrong. And no decision can be wrong when we feel good going into it. When you do decide to do something, give it your full attention. But let it gestate and grow fully in your mind and wait for the feeling of the inspired idea before you take action.
This is about attitude. No, it’s about total attitude! When you have the attitude of joy and happiness things like that just keep showing up in your life. You know I gave you the example of the washing machine manifesting in a matter of minutes, but I also manifested buying a house the same way. It all started when my landlady called and said she wanted to sell the house I had been renting from her for the last three years at that point. I told her that it was cool and that I would start looking for a new place to rent. She kept apologizing but I wasn’t worried about anything. I just kept the attitude that everything is always working out for me, and I kept appreciating that we had been here for this time and how much I liked this house and that I was sure we would find something just like it, or better. But things were not turning out the way I thought they would, but still I knew something good was going to happen. As people were coming through the house I was living in for the showing I was telling all the potential buyers how lovely the neighborhood was and how great the front porch is for sitting and drinking coffee in the mornings. Finally they had a buyer and I still had not found a place to rent. But I was not worried. My family was a little worried but I just kept saying that everything is going to work out just right. One day while driving I saw a sign that said $1500.00 will get you into your own home. I took the number down and gave them a call. I got an appointment right away and found out that by myself I could only qualify for a loan of $120,000.00. Well that was not going to get me the home I wanted and deserved. So they asked me if one of my kids could buy it with me. I told them that my daughter had just started a new job so she didn’t qualify and my son just started a new job after going to college for 4 years. They said that if he is a graduate and if he has his diploma and transcripts and a letter from his new outstanding job that he could qualify for $250,000.00. So now we were seriously looking for a house buy, but as it turned out, together my son and I made a $1,000.00 too much to qualify for the $1,500.00 down payment program and now they wanted about $20,000.00 down and we didn’t have it. Believe it or not I did not wavier from my thought that we were going to buy a house that we really loved. So the man that was buying the house that I was living in came with the inspector to do the final inspection while they were waiting for escrow to close. I was very nice to them as they crawled up into the attic and looked in all my cupboards and checked every nook and cranny they could find. After they left I called the landlady to let her know they had done their job. And for some reason I said to her, “You know, my son and I are looking to buy a house now. Too bad we can’t buy this one.” I told her about the down payment issue we were having too. But not because I thought she could do anything about that. I really don’t know why I said it. But she said that they had signed a contract with the other people and that they would have to cancel on her. But I still didn’t stop my good feeling that something magnificent was happening.
Now here’s where it really starts getting good. That very night my landlady called and said that the couple that wanted the house had backed out. Again I was grateful but I knew that it was happening just the way it was supposed to happen. She also told me that she had talked to her realtor who had a very good loan officer she worked with and they said that if they raised the price of the house a little I could use that as part of the down payment. I would still need to come up with $10,000.00 but that was okay. I knew if I could manifest all that I had so far, that I could manifest the rest. So I asked for a 60 day escrow so that I could come up with the money. This just happened to be during the holiday season. We were scheduled to close escrow on December 27TH. Here it was Thanksgiving weekend and I still had not one dime toward the $10,000.00. My son was a little concerned because he didn’t understand how I was so calm about everything. I just kept reassuring him that everything was going in the right direction. The whole Thanksgiving weekend I thought about who I could ask to loan me the money and one person kept popping up in my mind. So on Monday morning I gave this person a call and explained the situation to him and without one iota of hesitation he said, I think that will work. And not only did he say yes he also said it was a gift. As I hung up the phone I broke out into the most joyous tears of relief. It was so delicious to hear those words come out of his mouth. So because I stayed true to my desire and did not put any doubt on my path I was a homeowner within 2 months.
So, what are we talking about here? We’re talking about staying in the attitude of joy and knowing that everything is always working out. That it is our right to be deserving and worthy. And we are the only ones that need to make ourselves happy. It is not anyone else’s job to make you happy. We are all responsible for our own feelings weather they are good or bad. So if I were you I would choose to feel good. Everything is a choice so make it and live it. And know that you are the creator of you and you can re-invent you anytime you choose to. Life is meant to be good and fun and joyous. You get one shot at this one so make it a good one. Be nicer to yourself and then watch how the right people start showing up around you that will enhance your happiness. It all starts on the inside. Love comes from within and then pours out onto the world and brings it back in miraculous ways. But that’s how life is supposed to be. So now that you know it, live it. You will find out that fun is the name of the game and winning is a givin’. Go forth from this day on and love yourself like you never did before. You’re going to dig it. And remember there is great love here for you as well.
Until next time, your friend,
Deb Mertan