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Be Your Own Witness

a very long time now I have been talking about the Law of Attraction, which means that you get what you think about, good or bad. And this concept is something that may be hard for some people to understand. But if you were to start putting together what you have been thinking about, or focusing on the most, and what shows up in your life, you’ll realize what is happening. Start paying attention to the coincidences that occur. And the more you witness these so-called coincidences, the more you will realize that you are creating them. Coincidences could also be thought of as incidents that co-create. Or as I like to say, coincidences could be called the Law of Attraction. We get what we think about whether we want it or not. 

     Something I noticed in my life is when I’m struggling to make something work, but it just keeps failing, I have to give up the struggle. For example; when I was living in the house before this one, I kept falling behind on the rent. When I finally succumbed to the idea that the Universe wanted me to move, things started changing for the better. 

     And more recently, when I was trying to convince one of my roommates to stay, and I was trying to fill the one empty room in my home, it just felt like a struggle. Then the truth revealed itself. I felt the knowing that the Universe was trying to tell me something, although I wasn’t sure what it was. But I knew I had to let her go. So I went to her and told her I was sorry for trying to get her to stay. Her mom needed her and I was being a little selfish. I told her to do what felt right for her, and then the whole atmosphere changed. And very soon after that my daughter called from Oklahoma and told me that she and her husband and their nine month old baby were ready to move back home. And now I just happened to have two empty rooms, which is exactly what they needed. I knew then why things were happening the way they were. The Universe was orchestrating the events that needed to happen in order for me to have the room for them to come home. Believe it or not, I always had in the back of my mind that I wanted my daughter and her family to come home. Oklahoma was just too far away. But luckily we facetimed every morning while they were in Oklahoma and my grandson knew me already. 

     Now it came time for getting them home. With the baby we couldn’t just drive straight through. And my daughter couldn’t drive with the baby alone while her husband drove the U-haul and towed the other car. So I booked a flight to Oklahoma for the day we would be driving back to Southern California. But a few weeks before the move I pre-paved how the trip would go. I imagined how much fun we would have, and what an adventure it would be. I pictured the baby being really good and all of us laughing and having fun. And I saw us having free breakfast at the hotels we would stay at. And even though we stopped a lot to take care of the baby's needs, no one got upset or frustrated. It always gave us a chance to play with the baby and stretch our legs. I thought about how fun it would be to spend the night at two different hotels. I just kept thinking about how I wanted it to be, and guess what, it really was pretty darn close to all of that. We had a couple of hic-ups before we left, but as soon as we got on the road the rest of the trip went well. The baby did get a little fussy the last couple of hours before we got home, but after three days on the road, who could blame him. 

     So you see, I am my own witness of how the Law of Attraction works. It all comes down to paying attention to how you feel. If I had been dreading the whole experience the trip would have been miserable. Pay attention to what is happening in your life and think about how you’ve been feeling. If you’re feeling mad or sad or hateful, you’ll see those things coming to you. People will be rude  and mean right back at you. But if you’re feeling frisky and fun and joyful, you will notice people being kind and happy around you. You’ll notice that Law of Attraction is no joke. In fact the Law of Attraction doesn’t know how to joke. It just gives you what you focus on. Where focus goes, energy flows.

     You can also witness how others are creating in their own lives. Do you know someone who always feels sorry for himself? And do you see how they keep attracting the same kinds of things to complain about? And do you know someone that always seems to be happy? Everytime you see them they’re smiling and laughing. They seem not to complain much. And life seems to be good in their world. And if we would allow ourselves to believe and then know that this is true, we would all live much happier lives. And we would never have a need to worry about what anyone else is doing. 

     Of course this is something that I always wish for, that we all live joyful lives. That we all feel the love that is readily available for all to enjoy. We all deserve the unconditional love that is all around us everyday. All we have to do is ask for it and it is given. That is true for everything we desire. And love is the way, especially self-love, of living the best life ever. As a reminder I would like to reiterate that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. And we can be, do or have anything our hearts desire. Start with self-love. Find ways of thinking or speaking kind and loving things about yourself.  One way is to make a list of ten things you genuinely love about yourself, then read it every morning and then go on with your day. After seven days make a new list and repeat the process. You’ll notice that the list gets even better this time. You will also start noticing that unusual things start happening. Like walking past a stranger in the store, and they stop and turn around to say hi to you. Or little babies becoming very interested in you. Or you may be inspired to do something that has been on your mind, but you just couldn’t get started until you professed love to yourself. When you love you it’s easy for others to see the real you, which is that spiritual side. 

     Here are some ways to keep yourself on a good path. Smile more, and look for things to genuinely compliment someone about, it will lift both your spirits. Make a list of things that when you think about them, they bring you joy. One of my things on my list is my grandson. He always brings me joy. When something doesn’t go your way, don’t get mad. See if the Universe is trying to nudge you in another direction. And know that you can always try again.If you feel like doing something or going somewhere, do it. You deserve to be happy so keep reminding yourself of that. Remember that you are a spiritual being having a human experience. And you deserve to be, do or have anything you want. Practice everyday to live the life you choose, no matter what anyone else thinks. You are the only one that knows what makes you happy, so if it feels good, do it. 

     So until we meet again, remember there is always great love for you here.


                                               Deb MertanFor a very long time now I have been talking about the Law of Attraction, which means that you get what you think about, good or bad. And this concept is something that may be hard for some people to understand. But if you were to start putting together what you have been thinking about, or focusing on the most, and what shows up in your life, you’ll realize what is happening. Start paying attention to the coincidences that occur. And the more you witness these so-called coincidences, the more you will realize that you are creating them. Coincidences could also be thought of as incidents that co-create. Or as I like to say, coincidences could be called the Law of Attraction. We get what we think about whether we want it or not. 

     Something I noticed in my life is when I’m struggling to make something work, but it just keeps failing, I have to give up the struggle. For example; when I was living in the house before this one, I kept falling behind on the rent. When I finally succumbed to the idea that the Universe wanted me to move, things started changing for the better. 

     And more recently, when I was trying to convince one of my roommates to stay, and I was trying to fill the one empty room in my home, it just felt like a struggle. Then the truth revealed itself. I felt the knowing that the Universe was trying to tell me something, although I wasn’t sure what it was. But I knew I had to let her go. So I went to her and told her I was sorry for trying to get her to stay. Her mom needed her and I was being a little selfish. I told her to do what felt right for her, and then the whole atmosphere changed. And very soon after that my daughter called from Oklahoma and told me that she and her husband and their nine month old baby were ready to move back home. And now I just happened to have two empty rooms, which is exactly what they needed. I knew then why things were happening the way they were. The Universe was orchestrating the events that needed to happen in order for me to have the room for them to come home. Believe it or not, I always had in the back of my mind that I wanted my daughter and her family to come home. Oklahoma was just too far away. But luckily we facetimed every morning while they were in Oklahoma and my grandson knew me already. 

     Now it came time for getting them home. With the baby we couldn’t just drive straight through. And my daughter couldn’t drive with the baby alone while her husband drove the U-haul and towed the other car. So I booked a flight to Oklahoma for the day we would be driving back to Southern California. But a few weeks before the move I pre-paved how the trip would go. I imagined how much fun we would have, and what an adventure it would be. I pictured the baby being really good and all of us laughing and having fun. And I saw us having free breakfast at the hotels we would stay at. And even though we stopped a lot to take care of the baby's needs, no one got upset or frustrated. It always gave us a chance to play with the baby and stretch our legs. I thought about how fun it would be to spend the night at two different hotels. I just kept thinking about how I wanted it to be, and guess what, it really was pretty darn close to all of that. We had a couple of hic-ups before we left, but as soon as we got on the road the rest of the trip went well. The baby did get a little fussy the last couple of hours before we got home, but after three days on the road, who could blame him. 

     So you see, I am my own witness of how the Law of Attraction works. It all comes down to paying attention to how you feel. If I had been dreading the whole experience the trip would have been miserable. Pay attention to what is happening in your life and think about how you’ve been feeling. If you’re feeling mad or sad or hateful, you’ll see those things coming to you. People will be rude  and mean right back at you. But if you’re feeling frisky and fun and joyful, you will notice people being kind and happy around you. You’ll notice that Law of Attraction is no joke. In fact the Law of Attraction doesn’t know how to joke. It just gives you what you focus on. Where focus goes, energy flows.

     You can also witness how others are creating in their own lives. Do you know someone who always feels sorry for himself? And do you see how they keep attracting the same kinds of things to complain about? And do you know someone that always seems to be happy? Everytime you see them they’re smiling and laughing. They seem not to complain much. And life seems to be good in their world. And if we would allow ourselves to believe and then know that this is true, we would all live much happier lives. And we would never have a need to worry about what anyone else is doing. 

     Of course this is something that I always wish for, that we all live joyful lives. That we all feel the love that is readily available for all to enjoy. We all deserve the unconditional love that is all around us everyday. All we have to do is ask for it and it is given. That is true for everything we desire. And love is the way, especially self-love, of living the best life ever. As a reminder I would like to reiterate that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. And we can be, do or have anything our hearts desire. Start with self-love. Find ways of thinking or speaking kind and loving things about yourself.  One way is to make a list of ten things you genuinely love about yourself, then read it every morning and then go on with your day. After seven days make a new list and repeat the process. You’ll notice that the list gets even better this time. You will also start noticing that unusual things start happening. Like walking past a stranger in the store, and they stop and turn around to say hi to you. Or little babies becoming very interested in you. Or you may be inspired to do something that has been on your mind, but you just couldn’t get started until you professed love to yourself. When you love you it’s easy for others to see the real you, which is that spiritual side. 

     Here are some ways to keep yourself on a good path. Smile more, and look for things to genuinely compliment someone about, it will lift both your spirits. Make a list of things that when you think about them, they bring you joy. One of my things on my list is my grandson. He always brings me joy. When something doesn’t go your way, don’t get mad. See if the Universe is trying to nudge you in another direction. And know that you can always try again.If you feel like doing something or going somewhere, do it. You deserve to be happy so keep reminding yourself of that. Remember that you are a spiritual being having a human experience. And you deserve to be, do or have anything you want. Practice everyday to live the life you choose, no matter what anyone else thinks. You are the only one that knows what makes you happy, so if it feels good, do it. 

     So until we meet again, remember there is always great love for you here.


                                               Deb Mertan



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