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Let Go of the Residue


My life has been pretty good lately. I have really resonated with the fact that this is an attraction based universe. I have proven it to myself over and over again in the past couple of years. So when I started noticing money missing from my bank account it really freaked me out. How could this be happening? I have been working on my happiness and getting a lot of good results. Things seemed to be moving in a very positive direction, so why was this happening, now? Well after 4 weeks of this I finally broke down and changed my account number and did all the necessary things to get everything back on track, like getting my direct deposits transferred and my automatic bill paying going again. It was a little bit of a hassle but it was worth it. I also started on line banking; which I thought I never would. During all the turmoil I couldn’t get a grasp on why this was happening but now that it was taken care of I looked back at what I may have done to bring this on to myself. I had to be thinking of something that would be making this come to me. Like I said, this is an attraction based universe so whatever you focus on, good or bad, will come to you. Then I realized that while I was daydreaming about the day my millions of dollars would arrive, not how or when or who would bring it, just fantasizing about what I would buy and the trips I would take and so on, but in the back of my mind there was this soft whisper saying, but how do I keep track of all that money? It wasn’t a deep thought, it was casual, just a sparse passing thought. But those are the ones that sneak up on you. It could be a good passing thought or a bad passing thought, but none the less it is sneaky.

For example, one day I was cleaning out my garage. I had loaned out one of my favorite CD’s to a friend and I thought to myself that I should buy a second one so that while that one was out I could still have one to listen to. As soon as the thought left my mind I opened a bag and voila there was a brand new set of the exact one I had loaned out. It was my son’s but he didn’t have a CD player so he left it in a bag that somehow ended up in the garage.

Now that may seem like a coincidence but these things just keep happening. Another time, I had just gotten my washing machine fixed and I made the statement that the next thing I was going to get was a refrigerator. Mine was not staying cold and the freezer was thawing and re-freezing everything so that it was all frost bitten. Again, I didn’t say how I was going to get one or if it would be new or used, I just casually said, in a matter of fact attitude that my next thing would be a refrigerator. Two days later my roommate said that his parents had sold their rental home that was very close to me and there was a refrigerator there if we wanted it. He asked me if I did want it and without hesitation I said yes, anything was better than mine. So I went to work not really thinking about what it would be like, in fact I even forgot that it was coming. When I got home I went to the coffee machine to get a cup and when I turned to get the creamer I was surprised and delighted to see a side-by-side huge white refrigerator standing there. What was really funny is that it was exactly the kind of frig that I had been wanting. And it was nice and cold inside. I literally screamed and jumped for joy.

So, getting back to my story about the bank, I thought that after figuring out what had caused this, my casual thought about managing money, that everything was fine and dandy once again. But gradually I started feeling pain in my right shoulder. It wasn’t too bad at first but it just kept nagging at me. It was hard to sleep and it eventually started affecting my left shoulder. I was going for massages trying to sooth it and my therapist said it was affecting my whole shoulder girdle. I tried topical pain creams and ibuprofen, sitting in the spa but nothing seemed to help. So one day while listening to one of my CD’s on law of attraction there was a story of a woman with pain from arthritis in her hips. She couldn’t understand how she could think positive thoughts when she hurt so badly. It was suggested to her that she could be in pain and feel fearful or be hopeful. It is all about vibration. She was asked, how does it make you feel? The woman answered that she felt restricted and weak. Right then I realized that I was feeling that too. This whole business of being violated made me feel that way and even though it was taken care of I had not let go completely of the fear. It was residual residue that I had been hanging on to. Now you may not believe this but as soon as I realized what was going on the pain almost completely disappeared. I was astonished. It was literally instantaneous. It has been three days now and I have not used any pain relievers, no heating pad or any other type of relief and I feel great. I can sleep and work and even though I still feel a tinge of the pain that was there occasionally it is nothing I can’t handle. Each passing day gets better and I have no doubt that it will continue to do so. The pain was just residual pain that I had not eliminated yet.

That actually reminded me of my mother and how she would be so calm in a crisis, but after everything would subside she would break down and cry. Now I know how that can build up and if you don’t relieve it, it will show up in other ways like pain. So next time you have a back ache or any other kind of pain think about what you have been thinking about and see how fast you feel better. Then you will also know not to think that thought any more. I know this sounds simple, but that is it. The work is to think better thoughts until they become habit or new beliefs. Do this until you get so good at it that bad thoughts will just feel wrong and you will want to go back to good thoughts. You will become addicted to feeling good and you will never be able to go the other way for very long again. The momentum of the joy you create for yourself will surely turn your life around and things will just keep getting better.

As I am seeing, by life experiences, that we definitely do live in an attraction based universe, my choices keep getting more and more deliberate. As per request so to speak. Science has proven that humans use a very small portion of their brains or minds if you will. I think the key is to make your request to the universe or whomever you consider to be the source from which all good comes, then sit back and relax and let the universe do its thing to bring it to you. When you finally realize that life is supposed to be easy, you will feel like a magician, conquering up a world that pleases you immensely and exclusively. You know it’s not the destination that is so delicious, it’s the journey. If you really pay attention to the signs that are being revealed to you constantly, you will start to have wonderful adventures all along your path. And if you really think about it, once you do accomplish whatever it is you are after, it becomes old news and a new idea catches your eye and there you go off to the next adventure. Life is so fun when you let it be. You are the only one blocking anything from coming to you, weather it is a lover or a big pile of money or anything else you are wanting. Relax, stop trying so hard to make things happen. Realize that once you ask for something you want there is a buffer of time before it will materialize. You don’t plant a seed and expect it to grow right away. So let the universe do it’s job and just enjoy the process. And notice the unfolding as you move into the direction of what you want. It’s not about being patient either. It’s about giving it time to grow. You don’t get pregnant and expect the baby to come now. You know it has to develop over a nine month period. So let your desires grow too. And have fun while waiting for the delivery. And stop doubting too. When you ask for something then question how it’s going to come and when it’s going to come and who is going to bring it, you add resistance to your desire and that slows everything way down and sometimes even stops the flow. So just ask and trust and go do something fun while you are waiting for whatever it is you are wanting. Expect it will come just like you know Christmas will come.

Here, let me show you an example of how to really get started. Think of yourself at the ocean. You want to go in the water but it’s very cold, so you tippy toe in maybe up to your ankles, but then you back up a little so it’s not so cold. Then you go back in and this time you go a little further, maybe to your shins, but it’s still too cold. You keep this up until you are fully in the water and you have acclimated to the temperature. That’s how learning how to change old habits or beliefs is. You do it a little at a time until it becomes normal to you. That’s how you stop doubting and start believing and eventually start knowing. Life will teach you through experience so pay attention to how you speak, think and feel. You will be amazed at how wonderful and delicious your life can and will be. Go big and do great things. That’s an order, so go. And remember there is great love here for you.

Forever your friend,

Deb Mertan

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