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Look for the Silver Lining

Have you ever had things go terribly wrong only to find out later that whatever it was that happened turned out to be a blessing in disguise? That is because we are always receiving what we focus on the most. Whether we want it or not, if we give it our full attention it will surely show up. You see, we live in an attraction based universe, so when you say yes about something, and you let it gestate long enough, without adding any doubt into the mix, you will see it. But if you say no to something you don’t want, you will also attract that, because you give your attention to it. The universe doesn’t hear what you say, it responds to how you feel. Example, when a parent is yelling at a child, saying in a loud voice, “Don’t you know I love you!” it sends a mixed message to the child. The words don’t match the feeling behind them. Or if you were to tell someone that you are sorry for something you did or didn’t do, and you sounded snotty while saying it, that would also not match. Those are two examples of feeling verses words but it also applies to how you feel when you say you want something. Like let’s say you wanted a new car and you casually said, “I’m thinking about getting a new car.” You don’t really hear any resistance in that statement. You could just go about your business and not give it too much thought and before you know it you would be getting a new car. But if you were to say after that statement, “But I don’t see how I could do that” that would throw up a wall that would stop all momentum from moving forward. When you feel light and confident about it things move along at just the right pace. Things come to you when you are ready to receive them. But when you are all balled up asking, where is it, when is it going to get here, you slow everything way down.

Have you ever heard the phrase, ask and it is given? Well that is the truest statement ever uttered out of anyone’s mouth. Sometimes you may think that what you asked for isn’t coming, so you keep asking for the same thing over and over again. Being redundant doesn’t help anything. The universe knows what you want and knows how to get it to you. Just relax and be casual about it. Life is supposed to be fun and if you remember that every day you will start to see a tipping of the scale, from the not wanted to the wanted. But in order to stop thinking about the unwanted you have to start thinking about something else. You can’t just stop thinking about that thing you’re not going to think about. That just keeps perpetuating the thought. You have to look for things to think about or focus on that are pleasing to you, things that make you smile. Of course this all takes practice. Everything that is worth doing does take practice. Everything that you do now took training, and I mean everything, from dressing yourself to driving a car. So why is this any different? A belief is just a thought you keep thinking so why not change the direction of your thoughts. The only reason it may seem difficult at first to think better thoughts is because you have been trained either by others or by your own habits of thoughts to think that way and you have a momentum going in that direction. But if you think of your emotions or in other words your feelings, as your navigational guide you will always know which way you are going. It’s like your GPS system guiding you turn by turn and when you stray it says, “Please return to the highlighted route.” That is what gut instinct is all about. When you practice this and get pretty good at it you will become super sensitive to how you are feeling and be able to return to the route very quickly, before you get any momentum going in the wrong direction. This is all very simple stuff but it can seem hard at first like I mentioned earlier. And just because it seems too simple to have any effect on your mood or attitude, don’t be fooled. It will have a great impact on your life in a very positive way. It can be as soon as tomorrow or it could take 30 days, it’s all up to you and how earnest you are in focusing on what it is you want in your life.

Have you ever seen a 3-D printer at work? They are so awesome, and a little weird if you ask me. I have a friend that has one and I watched it make a cover for a remote control device that’s goes to his drone camera. As I was seeing this thing form right before my very eyes I started thinking about things working out for me in a similar way. It’s like I put my request out to the universe and then I just kick back and let it do it’s thing. I don’t have to keep checking to see if it’s on track because I know it will work on it until all of a sudden there it is. Actually it’s also like planting a seed. You don’t plant corn and then get a rose bush. You know that when you plant the corn seed you will eventually get corn, but only after it takes root and grows into a full blown corn stalk. My suggestion is to know what you want and tell the story the way you want it to be. I know Donald Trump is an odd duck but he has the right idea about how to go about getting what he wants. When he is building a new building, like a casino, he talks about how great it’s going to be and how everyone is going to love going there, and so on. He tells the story he wants to be true. You know you can do that with everything in your life, even the stuff you consider really bad. If you just look at things from your past with a new perspective and find the silver lining, you will feel a whole lot better and things in your now will be able to move forward. And if you don’t get yourself too far into the future with what-if thoughts you will also feel a whole lot better and things will move even faster to get you to where you what to be, or should I say where you want to feel, and that just comes down to staying in a good mood and mostly being happy. You can choose to be happy right now if you really want to. You are so free to choose what you want or you could choose bondage. But why would you choose something that goes against your nature to feel good? I’ll tell you why, because you just got used to it, but now it’s time for a change! It’s time to think on purpose and create your own journey, the way you want it to be. Be your own boss and love with all your heart. Be un-conditional and love even the haters. You don’t have to like or dislike anything anyone else does or doesn’t do but love is a powerful tool that can spread to even the worst people on earth. If more people did more things out of love the world would have to change to a greater place to live. We all have a say in our own lives and our own world.

I guess I’ve rambled on long enough. If you’re going to get it, I’m sure you have by now. Just one last thing before I go, be careful what you wish for because you will get it, whether it’s wanted or un-wanted. Be nice to yourself and love deeply. Sooner than you think things are going to change and the better it gets, the better it gets. There is great love here for you.

Deb Mertan

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