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Debs Momentum pic

I have mentioned the word momentum in some of my blogs, but I really want to impress upon you how important momentum is. Have you ever had a great idea that just gave you goose bumps all over your entire body, only to lose the feeling after putting doubt on your path? Well the reason for this is that you are used to thinking that good things don’t happen to people like you. You probably got a pretty good negative momentum going and it’s very strong. Maybe you picked up the idea that things are not supposed to work out for you from a parent or a teacher, and it’s been stuck in your mind all this time, or is it? What I mean by that is, that we all have the power to change our old beliefs or habits. You know that a belief is just a thought you keep thinking, don’t you? And it only becomes a truth if you let it. So how do you change the direction of momentum? You start one step at a time. Even a thousand mile journey starts with the first step. It is possible, but it takes a willingness to think another thought until it becomes your new belief, therefore your new truth.

Now that I understand how the law of attraction works I can see why people are where they are in their lives. I can tell by the way they talk and by the results they achieve. This applies to good lives and bad lives. When someone is a complainer and acts like a victim they just keep attracting more of the same. It’s just same results with different faces. If you haven’t changed what’s on the inside what happens on the outside can never really change, it’s the law! It always knows what you are thinking and more importantly, what you are feeling. It’s like when you are yelling at someone in an angry tone but saying, “Don’t you know I love you?” There is a mixed message there because the feeling doesn’t match the words.

So how do you get your momentum going in a positive direction? You pay attention. What I mean by this is you see how it feels when you say it or do it, whatever it is. If it feels good then you are on the positive trail, but if it feels bad you need to re-direct your thoughts or words to match the good feeling. For example, if you are hating on someone, you are feeling bad as well. So in order to feel better about that person you either need to ignore them or try to find something about them that you like. It may take a few tries but that’s okay too. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day, right? The more you practice finding good in other people the more good people you will find.

And another thing, you get what you expect to get. It’s like when something bad happens and you say, “I knew that would happen.” Well it happened because you expected it to. So why not start expecting good things to happen? It works both ways.

But sometimes momentum can be so intense that you just can’t stop it. Unless, of course, you come to the realization that you are the only one with the power to do something about it. And there are those people that never do get it, like Jim Morrison of the rock band “The Doors.” He had a destructive momentum going on. No matter how many people loved him and tried to help him he couldn’t stop the drinking and drugs. Oh, he would try to stop, and it would last for a little while, but he would always return to drugs and alcohol. At one point he even went to jail for 4 months because he supposedly exposed his penis on stage, which was never proven, and used profanity. Of course, he was clean when he got out, but that too was short lived. When someone keeps going back to the bad behavior it is because they have not taken the time to change their thinking pattern. They let what they see be their reality instead of creating their own reality. If they understood the law of attraction they would want to change the way they feel about everything.

Now I’ll tell you a story about positive momentum, mine. Although my life is pretty amazing right now it hasn’t always been. And even though I have always been a student of positivity. I didn’t understand it the way I do now. It all started after my husband passed away. I felt like my life was falling apart and I couldn’t seem to make ends meet. It seemed like I was crying every day and nothing was making any sense. So I actually sat myself down and had a long talk about getting back on track. The first thing I did was look for things on the internet that would help lift my spirits. I found some processes that really seemed to work and as I continued to look for new ways of feeling good, things miraculously started changing for me. It has only been 6 shorts years since that horrible time and I now own my own home. Believe me this has been one hell of a journey. In a good way. I went from almost being evicted to owning my home, what a ride. I have finally learned what it takes to make my life my own creation, and that is to keep myself happy and not try to fix anything, because there is nothing wrong or broken. At first the momentum was slow going but as I continue to practice feeling good and being happy things are moving much faster now. I love the feeling of inspiration I get as I trust that things are always working out for me. I not only believe that, I know it. Once you get to the place of knowing it just keeps getting better and better. I know that I am worthy, and I know that I am good and I know that I can have, do or be anything I choose. I know now that every time negative thoughts come to me all I need to do is stop the thought and find something else to focus on. Stop the doubt before it starts, so to speak. I pay attention to how I feel about everything. Have you ever heard the expression, “What would Jesus do?” Well here’s a new way of saying that, “What would un-conditional love do?” When you start loving everything and everyone you will understand what I know to be true. When you let go of anger and judgement you release stress and hatred. When we are children we accept all others as equals. That is until we are taught to be hateful and judgmental. We all need to get back to that carefree time and stop worrying about what someone else is doing or not doing, and focus on what makes us happy. If we all did that we would all be living blissful lives. You think I’m kidding? I’m not, and you can bet on that. Words do not teach, but life experience does. All I’m saying is start really paying attention to how you feel about everything in your life. If you are going to a job every day that you hate you can’t be feeling good. Or if you are in a relationship that is full of struggle that can’t feel good either. So you have some choices to make in order to get back on the positive path. You can either, find something about that situation that pleases you, and focus on that, or you can start looking for what you really want and work toward that. Either way you will be moving in a direction that you can figure it out along the way. You’ll know what feels good or not. This is the journey and that is the best part of all. If you look for the fun stuff and keep yourself in a good frame of mind you can’t lose.

Now let’s talk about un-conditional love a little more. You need to love yourself with that same mindset. It is important to be very kind to yourself and not beat yourself up over dumb things. Especially when you first start changing your beliefs. Whenever you have a relapse moment just laugh it off and eventually you will change the way you think and speak. It’s a process, but one worth doing. And if you ever have any self-image concerns don’t focus there. I’m sure there is something about yourself that you at least like, if not love. When you start focusing on the things you like the other things just start getting better too. You will be inspired to do something, like cut your hair in a stylish fashion. Or to buy some different clothes that feel friskier. These are just suggestions but I think you get the gist. If you allow it, your body will be whatever you want it to be. Again, it’s the law. Remember, it’s all an inside job. Your feelings are your navigational system and you should really listen to them if you want to live an awesomely happy life. And get that momentum going in a positive direction by feeling your way to joy. That’s really all there is to this. It’s not hard, but it is time consuming. In fact, it is a whole new way of life. But once it becomes natural to you you’ll know and you’ll never go back the other way again.

So go on now and make yourself happy. It’s the least you can do for the good of mankind. Live and let live and life will flourish right before your eyes. And always remember, there is great love here for you.

Your Friend,

Deb Mertan

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