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Re-train Your Brain

So, if you have been following my blogs you know about the law of attraction. So you also know that you get what you think about whether it’s good or bad. What you focus on, even if it’s for a short period of time, will become your experience. The law is always fair and consistent. It’s like when you’re dating a certain type of person and for some reason it doesn’t work out, so you move on to the next person only to find the same person in a different body. And until you decide it’s time to clean up your vibration, meaning your point of expectation, you will continue to attract that same person over and over again. When you realize this it is time to re-train your brain. It’s not as hard as you might think. It just takes a little practice and some patience.

So let’s say that you just broke up with your lover and you are feeling lost and alone. But that is because you are using that person as your source of happiness, and that’s why you feel out of sorts and a little un-balanced. Now let’s look at it another way. That person wasn’t the right one for you. They were just another piece of the puzzle, letting you know what you don’t want, therefore helping you figure out what you do want. And when you do look at the situation in this way you can actually feel the happiness grow inside you a little bit each day, until you realize that the happiness you were seeking was right there all along. This is you loving yourself more fully. And the more you do that the better you’ll feel. When you are selfish enough to care about how you feel and you practice that often you will never go back to feeling down, at least not without knowing what to do about it. That’s when it’s time to look for a new mate. But no matter what,if you date one person or a thousand people you are exploring and figuring out what is best for you. Isn’t that nice to know. And each time you part ways with a potential mate you will understand that it is just part of the process and there is nothing wrong. In fact, it couldn’t be more right. Keeping yourself on an emotional high is the only way to live. This could seem a little tricky at first but once you get the hang of it you can create anything you want in your life. I like to think of it as my own little world. Each person is in their own little world. None of us thinks exactly alike. We all have our own ideas and our own feelings about what is right and what is wrong for ourselves. No one else can insert their feelings into another person. Oh, they can influence another to manipulate them to do something, but eventually that will upset the relationship, and it will dissolve or fall apart. If you remember to live and let live and stop judging and condemning, and stop making anyone responsible for your happiness, life will be so much fun. It is so important to know this, because life can be whatever you want it to be as long as you take responsibility for your own joy. And let other people be responsible for theirs. The universe is very tricky in that it can help every one of us have what we want without taking anything away from anyone else. It has a way of blending us all together in perfect harmony when we are in a happy state of mind.

I know that if you are new to this concept that it could be a little un-settling to think of being your own boss. But I promise you it will be very rewarding once you get into the rhythm of happiness, and you let it run to you and through you. It’s like a stream that flows swiftly and you put your boat in the water and relax, the flow will carry you along with ease and you won’t even need paddles. But if you were to turn the boat up-stream and start paddling it would be a very difficult struggle. You can tell which way you are going by the way you feel. If you feel good about what you are thinking, doing, or who you’re with, then; you are definitely going with the flow. So, keep that in mind next time something upsets you. Pay attention to all your feelings and gravitate toward the good ones and steer clear of the not so good ones. Just learn from them and move forward. That is how you re-train your brain.

Here’s another example; Let’s say you are working a job that you hate. Yes, it pays the bills but it is not very rewarding. Every day you wake up with a grouchy attitude because you know you’re going to have another crappy day. Things will never get better for you when you wake up expecting to have a bad day. So how do you change that? You start by focusing on something you can feel good about, even if it is not related to work, it will help to focus on that. You could try by telling yourself before you slumber at night that you will release all resistance about work, and when you wake up in the morning try thinking about how you want the day to go. You may only make it to breakfast before you think of something un-wanted, but that’s okay, it takes practice. Just laugh it off and try again the next day. It will get better. As you keep doing this you will notice a change in the way you feel at work. And when you do feel better at work you might find that there are aspects of your job that you actually like, or you may find an opportunity to get a new job that you really love. But you must find your inner happiness first or you will just keep finding the same situation, just different faces and different places. It’s like the guy that keeps doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. Or think of it like this, Or you could say that if you don’t change the vibration of your thought patterns you will just be taking yourself with you, and you’ll end up in a loop of anguish.

You know it doesn’t have to take too long to change to a different mindset. It’s all up to you. The more you practice the faster it will change, and eventually it will become the norm for you to look for and find things that bring you joy.

And here’s the last thing I’d like to mention. Whenever you want to start a project and you don’t know how it’s going to come or who will bring it or where the money will come from, don’t worry. Worry is not necessary. It only slows things down. Let the ideas come to you and relax your mind through meditation, or petting your cat, or taking a walk in nature. And when the inspiration hits you to make the next move, then; take action. The money will find its way to you. Keep thinking about why you want what you want, how it will make you feel and what about it will be fun. I promise you that when you approach anything in this manner all the components will be attracted to you. Just pay attention to how you feel and if you start to get a little overwhelmed take some deep breaths and remember to remember to go within, find a happy thought and bring yourself back to center. Think of it like this, the universe knows what you want and knows how to bring it to you. That’s how the universe works. It may take you down some windy roads but when you look back you’ll see that everything that happened was necessary to bring you to where you are now. Remember that you are the boss of you and you truly deserve all the happiness in the world. You don’t need to wait until you’re old to start traveling and getting all the goodies you have ever wanted. You just need to re-train your brain to know and believe that you can be, do or have anything you want. Think big and know that you are a very worthy being. Whether it’s a lover, a job, or an invention, or anything else you desire, you can have it. All you have to do is figure out what you want and then let yourself have it. You know it’s as easy to create a button as it to create a castle. Life is good when you let it be, or should I say if you expect it to be. Remember to be your own boss and feel your way to bliss.

So are you feeling good yet? I think you are, or at the very least you’re feeling better. Be kind to yourself and everyone else too. And remember there is great love here for you.

Your friend forever,

Deb Mertan

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