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Stop The Excuses

Stop the Excuses

     How many times a day do you make excuses for not being where you want in your life? I’ll bet it’s a lot, even if you don’t speak the words.Thoughts can come into your mind that make you feel certain ways. A thought can make you angry, sad, worried or hateful. But a thought can also bring you joy and hope and love. So I ask you, are your thoughts making you happy? Well, if they’re not it’s time to stop the excuses and start doing what makes you happy. How do you do that, you ask? Well it’s easier than you may think. What if I told you that you are always attracting exactly what you are expecting. Or in other words, you get what you think about the most. Or where focus goes, energy flows. These things mean the same thing, and that is that the Law of Attraction is real. 

     Look, if you’re going to dwell on things you don’t like, the Universe is going to keep showing you those kinds of things. Different faces and different places, but the same types of situations. One way to get on track is to figure out what you don’t want, and then focus on its opposite. Like when you don’t have enough money, don’t focus there. Maybe don’t think about money at all. Concentrate on things that are going well in your life. In order to get things moving in a positive direction, it’s best if you focus on things that bring you joy. Joy is the key to everything. One of my mottos is, “Have as much fun as possible.” In fact I went as far as to make it the three rules to live by. By repeating it three times it sinks deeper into the subconscious mind. I learned this from an advertizer. And the subconscious mind has no opinion of its own. It just follows orders from you and the thoughts you feed it. I even have all sorts of items with these rules printed on them in the etsy store I created with two partners. You should check it out. You can find it through my site. And I’m sure you’ll find many other positive sayings to choose from. 

     But getting back to this blog, as I said, joy is the key to each person's own personal happiness. So stop making excuses for your unhappiness. Happiness is an inside job. It takes practice, but you can do it.Whenever a sad or mad or hateful thought comes into your mind, recognize it as not wanted and immediately find a more pleasing thought. Give it all you got until you actually feel better. And even a little better is good at first. It will get better and better through time. You might need to do this several times a day. But eventually you will automatically go to your happy thoughts. 

     One way to guarantee you find good thoughts is to make a list of things that bring you joy when you think about them. Some of my happy thoughts are about my grandson, or my cats or where I want to go on my next vacation. And there are many more things I can think about, as I’m sure you could as well. When you keep bringing yourself back to happy thoughts, the Universe and your subconscious mind go to work on your behalf. And the more you practice, the more you’ll see your desires manifest. And that is all the proof you need, to see that you have more power over your life than you ever thought. And it really is just that easy. By keeping yourself on a high flying disc, as much as possible, you create a wonderful life for yourself. Of course there will be things that happen that won’t be pleasing, but by practicing joy those things won’t hit you as hard. And you will get back on track much faster. 

     Another way to distract yourself from negative thoughts is to find a hobby. One of mine is crochet, and of course I like to write blogs. It’s really important to find ways to enhance your life, no matter how small it may seem. Like they say, “If it feels good, do it.” There is no one else that can find your joy for you. It’s up to each and every one of us, to keep ourselves on the highest disc possible, as often as possible. This is how you live happily ever after. And that is the reason we are here on this earth. But again, it's our job to find that joy.  

     Listen, you can have nine things going bad in your life, and one thing going right, and if you give most of your attention to that one thing, then everything else will fall into place. The same is true of the opposite. You can have nine things going right and one thing going wrong. And if you concentrate on the one thing going wrong then everything else will fall apart. But you have to give it time to work. If you are wishy-washy, and you keep going back to those negative thoughts, and you give too much attention to them, you will just keep things the same. But if you really give it a good consistent effort to stay joyful, you will see the manifestations you desire. But don’t be joyful for the stuff you want, even though that is a given. Be joyful because it feels better to be happy than anything else. And being happy is what we all strive for, isn’t it? So do it on purpose, because this is your purpose. We are here to live the lives we choose. And it’s okay to be selfish in this way, because if we don’t take care of ourselves first, we won’t be any good to anyone else. 

     I can’t stress with you enough that it takes true commitment to change the way you’ve been thinking for years. It takes a lot of oops, I didn’t mean to say that. Then change that thought to something pleasant. So every time you have a bad thought or you do something that doesn’t feel good when you do it, you stop and say, “oh, I mean this” and change it to a positive idea. One way I’ve been practicing is to think about things that please me. If a thought of doubt tries to sneak in, I quickly switch to something that is already good in my life. Like I am buying my house and I haven’t missed a payment in eight years. And I love my new car, it’s exactly what I wanted. And I have a grandson now, and he is absolutely awesome. And my cats also bring me great joy. There are so many good things to focus on in all our lives. This is how we let the Universe know what we want to keep showing up. You don’t even have to focus on the exact things you want. The Universe knows what you want and is collecting all the components to make it happen. Your job is to trust this process and live in as much joy as you possibly can. Don’t let the negative thoughts keep you in this repetitive cycle. 

     So now you know what to do to change your life to what feels good to you. It just takes a commitment to keep trying no matter how long it takes to find your joy. But it won’t take long before you realize that being joyful feels so much better than anything else. And you’ll want that feeling all the more. So I wish for all who read this blog to find and live your best life ever. And remember there is always tremendous love for you here.


                                                Deb Mertan


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